AUTAA’s managers have masterfully developed the company through their daily commitment to their work, their drive and their rigor.
AUTAA draws on these fundamental values to forge ahead, its aim being to satisfy the needs of its clients as best as possible and to continue to develop as a diversified group.
The AUTAA group is selective in the choice of its partnerships and strives to build its future with talented associates that combine the values of work, communication and integrity.
Notre politique de ressources humaines accompagne le développement du groupe en veillant à la transmission des valeurs suivantes :
- Sense of service
- Respect of commitments
- Team spirit
- Results-oriented culture
- Respect of safety and environmental rules
- Tolerance and acceptance of diversity
The autonomy and versatility of the group’s players goes hand in hand with proximity management. Our demanding group policy is at the service of growth, business development and employment.